New KSF940 Snow Fighter
We have (1) Brand New Knox Kershaw KSF940 for sale for immedite delevery. Ready for snow... Includes summer and winter packages. (1) Year Warrenty
Knox Kershaw’s KSF940 Snow Fighter is a powerful track dressing machine. It comes equipped with
a 4-season type plow, snow wings, and a snow switch cleaner/broom attachment. It also includes 36"
fixed ballast wings and broom deflector for ballast operation. The machine features a rear mounted
engine and a spacious, high visibility cab with unique window placement and hydraulic tilting
function. Machine meets or exceeds all FRA requirements.
** Operating Weight: 52,000 lbs. (23,587 kg).
** Engine Assembly: 24 volt Cummins Tier 4,
QSB6.7, 260 hp, with Funk double pump drive,
hydrostatic and vane pumps for propelling, broom
and controls. Metal shroud with removable doors.
** Drivetrain: 4WD with Funk six speed power shift
transmission controlling "truck style" axles and 28"
insulated wheels.
** Capacities: Fuel Tank: 220 gal (833 L); Hydraulic
Tank: 130 gal (492 L) with electric replenishment
** Brakes: Clasp type air applied brakes on all four
wheels with composition shoes. Service brakes are
air applied, spring released. Parking brakes are
spring applied, air released.
** Standard Equipment: Turntable, electric
replenishment pump, air dryer, remote mounted oil
cooler, dual 8-D batteries, travel alarm timer, Espar
diesel fired engine block heater, All season
hydraulic oil